Doctoral education

The research area for doctoral studies called Studies in the Educational Sciences has been part of Teacher Education since 2018. It currently has three doctoral students in Swedish and three doctoral students in Education.

Teacher Education has a research environment that focuses on the educational sciences and is one of the university’s five research areas for doctoral studies:

We employed our first doctoral student in the educational sciences in October 1998 and, since then, we have offered a creative environment for doctoral students in the educational sciences.

Teacher Education has had a doctoral student network since the spring of 2016. It is open to all doctoral students writing thesis projects that are relevant to Teacher Education.

Routes to doctoral studies

There are different routes to studying at doctoral level. You can be admitted to an affiliated graduate school or to one of our five research areas for doctoral education. You can also be admitted to a subject in cooperation with another university or, if you work for the municipality, you can be admitted on a municipal doctoral studentship.

We are active in two national graduate schools for educational science. The national graduate schools are joint projects with other higher education institutions. Our doctoral students are teachers who research, who transform professional issues and dilemmas to scholarly problems of academic and practical relevance.

  • Masa Avramovic, pedagogik - Lifefull Pedagogy and Research – Children’s Participation in Early Childhood Education
  • Anna-Mia Bergqvist, praktisk kunskap - Kollektiv praktisk kunskap i läraryrkets praktik. En studie utifrån erfarna lärares perspektiv på villkor för professionen under de senaste 30 åren
  • Matteo Cattaneo, pedagogik - Homo Narrans and the storytelling: a space for creativity and democracy as practice in Early Childhood Education
  • Martin Elfsberg, pedagogik - Restoration of Voice in Education
  • Simon Magnusson, svenska - Medborgardialogen som medborgarfostran
  • Ulrika Nemeth, svenska - Kritiska läspraktiker inom ramen för svenskämnet
  • Robin Samuelsson, svenska - Yngre barns språkutveckling, lek och lärande i samtida kontexter
  • Niklas Öhman, litteraturvetenskap - Litteraturen som instrument: hur litteraturundervisningen instrumentaliseras i forskning och läroplaner

Previous doctoral students

  • Anne Ross-Solberg - The Mahdi Wears Armani: An Analysis of the Harun Yahya Enterprise (2013)
  • Ann-Christin Randahl - Strategiska skribenter: Skrivprocesser i fysik och svenska (2014)
  • Larissa Mickwitz - En reformerad lärare: Konstruktionen av en professionell och betygssättande lärare i skolpolitik och skolpraktik (2015)
  • Håkan Forsberg - Kampen om eleverna. Gymnasiefältet och skolmarknadens framväxt i Stockholm, 1987–2011 (2015)
  • Pernilla Andersson - The Responsible Business Person – Studies of Business Education for Sustainability (2016)
  • Sari Vuorenpää - Litteracitet genom interaktion (2016)
  • Petra Werner - Ett medialt museum. Lärandets estetik i svensk television 1956-1969 (2016)