Third stream activities

Research circles

A research circle gives you the opportunity to examine your profession using up-to-date research. Along with other members of the circle, you will describe and analyse problems and issues that you yourselves formulate about your professional practice. You are supervised by an academic from Södertörn University who has good insight into the profession. In close dialogue with ongoing research, you will gain new tools for understand and analysing your profession.

Do you and your colleagues want to start a circle in your municipality? Contact our head of development, Boel De Geer.

We will also help you review the continuing professional education conducted at your workplace and offer support on issues relating to key values, such as by helping with action plans and working groups.

Agreements in teaching, learning and research

Teacher education at Södertörn University is participating in a trial government initiative that aims to develop and text models for cooperation between higher education and actors in the education system on practice-based research. These activities are to provide a strong scientific basis for teacher education programmes and in schools.

Four universities have primary responsibility for the trial: the university of Gothenburg, Karlstad University, Umeå University and Uppsala University. Each one manages one of four nodes. These nodes include additional higher education institutions which, in turn, involve actors in the school system. A total of 25 HEIs are participating in the trial, and each links 1-3 actors to its node. Organisationally, Södertörn University is part of the Uppsala node.

For more information about the project, see (Swedish only).

Read more about cooperative activities in Teacher Education, internally and externally.