Third stream activities
As regards contacts with Swedish authorities, organisations and society in general, SCOHOST's members have participated and contributed their expertise to a range of activities. Our staff members have given a number of presentations for various organisations and participated in media debate with articles and interviews. In addition, SCOHOST's reports have been used by different agencies.
SCOHOST members' expertise has been needed and highly appreciated in an international context. For example, they have served as experts, committee and board members, as well as advisors, invited speakers and conference organisers. During the last few years, authorities' representatives from several Eastern European countries have participated in some of the scientific events that were arranged by SCOHOST, for example, on population development and suicide mortality.
Working Seminars on Population, Health and Welfare
SCOHOST organizes a series of working seminars where our researchers and guest researchers can present their ongoing work. These seminars usually take place once a month and are hosted by CBEES.
Public Lecture by Professor Alexandr Nemtsov Causes of Alcohol Abuse in Russia, December 20, 2011
Professor Alexandr Nemtsov, the leading expert on the alcohol situation in Russia, gave a guest lecture at Södertörn University. SCOHOST's leader Professor Ilkka Henrik Mäkinen opened the event introducing the speaker and his work.
Södertörn University has recently published Professor Nemtsov's book A Contemporary History of Alcohol in Russia.
The picture the book gives is in many ways different from that presented in other works, and it is also more shocking. Furthermore, professor Nemtsov shows that the present situation is unique in Russia's history. Political events – Gorbachev's anti-alcohol campaign of the 1980s, the collapse of the Soviet system, the introduction of a market economy – have dictated drinking habits. The consequences have been horrendous. Professor Nemtsov also makes international comparisons and discusses alcohol policies in other countries, not least Sweden.