
The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies

The mission of the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies is to support research, doctoral education and academic infrastructure at Södertörn University. It was founded in 1994 and, every year, provides funding for numerous research projects at the university and other research-related activities.

The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies provides important research funding for Södertörn University and, every year, facilitates numerous research projects in the university’s areas of research. It also funds doctoral education and academic infrastructure at the university. The foundation makes contributions to the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies External link. and the Baltic and East European Graduate School. External link. Funding is also given to the university library. The foundation also supports a professorial programme at the university and provides grants for publishing, travel and conferences.

The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies is led by a Board with two members that are appointed by the Swedish Government and seven members appointed by the Board. The Board has established an investment committee that manages the foundation’s capital, and has a research committee for research issues.

How to apply for funding from the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies

The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies awards grants to two and three-year projects, postdoctoral projects, major projects and research networks. Grants are open for applications from individual researchers or small groups of researchers. Calls for applications are announced once each year, usually in January.

Researchers are free to formulate their own research questions, but they must be within the framework of what applies at the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies. For more information about requirements for links to the Baltic Sea region and Eastern Europe, please visit the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies’ website External link, opens in new window..

Please note that the information on the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies’ website takes precedence.

Who may apply?

Applications for research projects may have project leaders and participants from other higher education institutions, in Sweden or abroad, but if the application is granted funding, the project leader must be employed by Södertörn University for the duration of the project, while other participants must normally spend a certain amount of time there. This means that Södertörn University must be the grant administrator for researcher projects funded by the foundation. The extent to which other participants must spend time at Södertörn University can be agreed by the project leader and the head of school.

The exception is research networks, which may be located at other Swedish universities. However, they must include researchers at Södertörn University. Södertörn University must be the grant administrator for projects, postdoctoral projects and major projects.

For research networks, Swedish higher education institutions may be grant administrators, provided that researchers at Södertörn University are members of the network. The grant administrator must receive advance approval from the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies; eligible institutions are listed on the Swedish Higher Education Authority's website External link, opens in new window. . If you have questions about other grant administrators, please contact the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies before submitting your application.

2022 Applications

The applications for 2022 open on 10 January at 09.00 and close on 2 February at 15.00. For all information about grants and applications for 2022, please visit the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies' website External link..

Contact information, the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies:


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