Written examinations

Written examinations are one form of assessment at Södertörn University. Registration for written examinations is obligatory. All written examinations at Södertörn University are anonymous, so students are allocated a code for their exam instead of their name, making them anonymous when the exam is marked.

Registration is obligatory for written examinations. Every time you register for a written exam, you receive a personal code, which is unique to that exam. Instead of your name and personal ID number, write the code and the date on the material that you hand in after the examination.

You have two weeks in which to sign up for written examinations for courses on which you are registered. The registration period always starts three weeks before an exam and ends one week before it. You cannot go straight to the examination room as an unregistered student.

How do I register for a written exam?

You register by logging in to KronoX External link, opens in new window.?, using your SH-Account without the @suni.se ending in your username.

  • The Activity sessions tab shows upcoming written exams for the courses you are registered on that semester.
  • A confirmation email is sent to you when you register and de-register
  • If you have registered, you will receive an email two days before the written examination with information about which room it will be in.

The email will be sent to the address you provided in Student-Ladok. Please check that this is the correct address.

If you have problems registering for a written exam, please contact the exam coordination unit, Tentamenssamordningen, via tentamen@sh.se without delay. They will need to know your name, personal ID number and which exam you want to register for.

Do you require special educational support?

If you have been granted the opportunity to apply for special educational support for written examinations, apply for this support when you register for the written exam in KronoX. Click on the support button after registering and select which adaptations you require for each exam. If you have applied for special educational support you will receive an email three or four days before the exam with a decision about your application and a notification of which room the exam will be in.

At the written examination

Remember to take a valid form of identification* with you and arrive early. Checking in to the examination room takes place about 30 minutes before the start of the exam. The doors to the examination room are closed when the exam starts and no students may then enter the room.

After the written examination

Your academic school is in charge of marking and reporting your grade. From 23 December 2019, your marked exam papers are available on https://www.sh.se/english/sodertorn-university/student at "My marked written exams". Always contact info@sh.se if you have questions after a written exam.

Rules for written examinations

Södertörn University's Rules for Written Examinations apply. These rules are in place so that all students receive equal and fair treatment. It is important that you are familiar with these rules.

Valid ID for written examinations:

  • Driving licence issued in Sweden
  • ID card issued by Skatteverket (Swedish Tax Agency) in Sweden
  • National ID card issued by the Police in Sweden
  • ID card issued by a public authority in the EU/Schengen Area
  • SIS approved ID card or government service card issued in Sweden
  • Passport

Your ID document must be within its period of validity.

A police report from within the previous three months proving that your ID document has been lost or stolen is also accepted as proof of identity.