Course literature
You need to get your own course literature when you study at the university; you can either borrow or buy the books. The course syllabus has information about the literature you need for each course.
Södertörn University library is on Campus Flemingsberg and has all the course literature necessary for your studies. Your SH-Card also works as a library card. The SöderScholar search tool is on the library website, so you can search for printed and electronic material.
Read more about the library and search for course literature.
SöderS second-hand bookshop
The students’ union, SöderS, has its own second-hand bookshop that sells course literature. You can also sell your old course literature here.
You can also find course literature at:
- Bokborsen.se
External link, opens in new window. – new and old without intermediaries
- Bokfynd.nu
External link, opens in new window. – compare and sell books
- Bright
External link, opens in new window. - rent or buy digital textbooks
- Campusbutiken
External link, opens in new window.(Stockholm University) – sells second-hand course literature on commission
- KTHBOK.com
External link, opens in new window. – second-hand course books and student literature
- Kurslitteratur.se
External link, opens in new window. – buy and sell second-hand course literature
- Libris24
External link, opens in new window. – marketplace for second-hand course literature
- Studentapan
External link, opens in new window. - second-hand course literature
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