Incoming students

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Welcome! We’re looking forward to meeting you. Find out more about student life in Stockholm.
Living in Sweden
Sweden is constantly evolving, absorbing new influences and ways of thinking. From science to denim, music to equality, Sweden is a hive of creativity – not least when it comes to the environment. However, it is never easy to find your way in a new country. Here is some information that might help.
Need some help?
There are lots of questions to find answers to when you start studying. We have collected students’ most common questions or problems and where the answers can be found.
Course literature
You need to get your own course literature when you study at the university; you can either borrow or buy the books. The course syllabus has information about the literature you need for each course.
SH-StudyWeb, the university’s LMS
SH-StudyWeb is Södertörn University’s learning management system. It is the digital space where you will find your timetables, syllabuses and literature lists. It is also where you hand in assignments, communicate with your teachers, access articles posted by your teachers, and much more.
Ladok is a system where you can register for course, see results, collect certificates and much more. It is used at most higher education institutions in Sweden.
Common forms of teaching and examination
There are various forms of study at Södertörn University. Are you uncertain about what might be included on your course? Don’t worry. We have collected information about the most common forms of teaching and examination below:
The library
The library is a place for students to sit and study, borrow course literature, find study support or guidance and get help looking for information and literature.
Checklist for new students
We have written a checklist for new students, with everything you need to do before you start studying.
Head start
Get a head start on your studies by taking our virtual campus tour and watching films with tips and advice about starting to study.
Branded products
Do you want something as a souvenir of your time at Södertörn University or do you simply need a new notebook? Södertörn University’s webshop has a wide range of merchandise like tee shirts, fabric bags, hoodies and ink pens.
Frequently asked questions
Find answers to your everyday questions. Read about how to print documents, book group rooms - and more.

Welcome Guide (PDF) (Link to external site)
A downloadable guide with information about student life in Sweden and studying at Södertörn University.