
University Chaplaincy

Does life feel complicated? Do you have questions you want to discuss? Do you have doubts about your future, choices, grief, relationships, faith or other issues?

Sometimes we all need someone to listen without taking sides, without us having to listen in return.

No subject is too great or too small for the university chaplaincy’s listening space. You are welcome to book a time to talk, whatever your faith or troubles. All appointments are free of charge and we treat everything as confidential. In addition to private appointments, we also offer other meetings and groups.

Take a look at our website,, External link, opens in new window. in Swedish.

Room of Serenity MC549

The room of serenity is a place for those who wish to sit quietly with themselves – perhaps alongside others. A room for the inner life – work and rest, stillness and movement. A place where your spirituality, belief or non-belief guides you. A room where you can engage in prayer and devotional practices from different traditions, in mutual respect for one another. The room is open to all.


The University Chaplaincy offers meditation sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays in UB 635, in the university library.

  • Simple relaxation
  • A word to meditate upon
  • Ten minutes’ silent meditation


Elisabet is at the university on primarily Tuesdays and Thursdays. The University Chaplaincy is in the F-building, next to Arom. Come and say hello when you see me about, send a text or an e-mail so we can decide a time to meet.

Elisabet Ravelojaona, pastor universitetskyrkan Södertörns högskola

Elisabet Ravelojaona, pastor
+46 (0)70 758 55 61


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Contact us

Alfred Nobels allé 7 Flemingsberg

Postal address
141 89 Huddinge

+46 (0) 8-608 40 00


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