Arwid Lund

Arwid Lund

Fil dr


FD och lektor i Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap. Ämnessamordnare på Södertörns Högskolas Bibliotekarieprogram.

08-608 50 98 086085098

Institutionen för historia och samtidsstudier


My research includes two monographs on Palgrave Macmillan. Wikipedia, Work and Capitalism: A Realm of Freedom (2017) related to the commons-based peer-production of Wikipedia and its relation to the capitalist economy, and Corporate Capitalism’s Use of Openness: Profit For Free? (2020), co-authored, scrutinized open business models within open access publishing, free and open source software, audiovisual media platforms (Youtube), and open education related to massive open online courses (MOOCs). My research has otherwise focused on open data within open government, open data movements, and the potential use of makerspaces by public libraries.

Lately I have published research related to the intersection of the public library institution, its democratic and pedagogical mission, and collaborative uses of digital information technology. I am for the moment applying for funding regarding a project centered on the practices and policys of OA-publishing within academia. I often apply critical theory from a humanist and political economic perspective in my investigations. See repository DiVA for more details.

DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet) är högskolans databas för digital publicering och registrering av publikationer som producerats av forskare, lärare och studenter.

Till DiVA

Forskaren deltar inte i några projekt just nu.