Emek Rahte
Institutionen för kultur och lärande
My current project title is "Cultural Hybridity, Global Imagination, and Transnational Encounters: Audience Reception of Turkish TV Dramas in Sweden". My project is granted a 12-month postdoctoral research fellowship by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBİTAK). My research project reflects my interest in Nordic- Turkish cultural encounters.
The main discussion of my research will be around the relationship between the Turkey image of the Turkish and Nordic audience in the context of the "diasporic audience", the audience's image of Turkey in the context of the "cultural other", and the audience's imagination of Turkey shaped by TV series. In the research, to interpret the cultural and social scheme in the mind of the audience, the connection between "real" encounters with other people during the routines of everyday life, the extended forms of 'mediated' encounters that play an increasing role in the media-saturated reality will be examined. In the field research to be carried out in Sweden, the "dominant", "negotiated" and "oppositional" reading practices in making sense of the stories told in the series and the self-reflective dialogues established with the text will be revealed with a holistic view of the everyday life of the audience. Although the focus of the field is the reception of Turkish TV series, an answer will be sought to the question of how the participants read Nordic TV dramas as well. Thus, it will be possible to make a comparative analysis of how the national, transnational, collective, and subjective elements of cultural encounters are synthesized in the imaginary world of the viewer.
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