Sofia Lundmark
Docent, lektor och forskare i Medieteknik och design. Meriterad lärare.
Institutionen för naturvetenskap, miljö och teknik
Sofia Lundmark is a senior lecturer in Media Technology at School of Natural Science, Technology and Environmental Studies, Södertörns University and program coordinatior for the IT, media and design programme at Södertörn University. Sofia holds a PhD from the department of Education at Uppsala University.
Sofia has worked as lecturer in Media Technology at Södertörn University since 2003 and been involved in several different research projects (for example, the Virtual Society project, the Body as a marketplace project, Brukskvaliteter i webbtjänster för egenvård – en analys av umo.se, Vård i nya medier - om normer i organisation och Design and Drivers and Barriers for Mediated Meetings) and teaching in several different courses at all levels in media technology.
Sofia’s current research interests cover critical perspectives and norms in design as well as transformative processes in participatory design projects. Her PhD thesis "Designing for Online Youth Counselling - Empowerment through Design and Participation" concerns empowerment, participation and norm-critical efforts in the design of online youth counselling services. Her ongoing research projects focuses on design pedagogy and creative programming practices in educational settings.
Keywords: Design pedagogy, participatory design, participation, empowerment, norm-critical design, social norms, design thinking, critical design, HCI, ethnomethodology, science and technology studies, feminist HCI, ethnography, feminist materialism, media technology
More information about Sofias work: mt.sh.se/sofia
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