Yerko Rojas
Jag är socionom, lektor i socialt arbete samt docent i sociologi.
Mina nuvarande forskningsintressen rör suicid, livsförloppsstudier, överskuldsättning och kunskapsbaserad praktik i socialt arbete. Jag disputerade 2014 med avhandlingen “Childhood Social Exclusion and Suicidal Behavior in Adolescence and Young Adulthood”.
Senaste publikationer
Rojas, Y (kommande) Strengthening the notion of the ‘village’ in Signs of Safety – a Luhmannian perspective. Practice: Social Work in Action
Rojas Y (2022) Unmet financial obligations and alcohol-related mortality: A nationwide register-based follow-up study. SSM - Population Health.
Rojas Y (2022) Status of Debtor Registration at an Enforcement Authority and Risk of Nonfatal Suicide Attempt. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention.
Rojas Y (2022) School achievement in childhood and financial indebtedness in young adulthood – direct effect, indirect effects, or both? International Journal of Educational Resesearch Open.
Rojas, Y. (2022). Debt Problem of One Partner and Depressive Morbidity in the Other: A 2-Year Follow-up Register Study of Different-Sex Couples in Sweden. Journal of Family and Economic Issues.
Rojas Y. (2021). Financial indebtedness and suicide: A 1-year follow-up study of a population registered at the Swedish Enforcement Authority. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. Aug 2:207640211036166. doi: 10.1177/00207640211036166. Epub ahead of print.
lkka Henrik Mäkinen and Yerko Rojas (2021). “Social theories of suicide”. In: Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention. Second Edition. Danuta Wasserman (ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 137-146.
Ilkka Henrik Mäkinen, Yerko Rojas and Danuta Wasserman (2021). “Labour market, work environment and suicide”. In: Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention. Second Edition. Danuta Wasserman (ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 249-258.
Ylva B. Almquist; Yerko Rojas; Bo Vinnerljung & Lars Brännström (2020). Association of Child Placement in Out-of-Home Care With Trajectories of Hospitalization Because of Suicide Attempts From Early to Late Adulthood. JAMA Netw Open, 3(6):e206639. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.6639
Yerko Rojas & Nils Stenström (2020) The Effect of Organizational Factors on the Use of Evidence-based Practices among Middle Managers in Swedish Social Services. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, 44:1, 32-46, DOI: 10.1080/23303131.2019.1683667
”Sociala processer på den svenska kreditmarknaden – marginalisering och återetablering”. Finansiär: FORTE. Period: 2018 – 2021(2022)
”Självmordsbeteende från ett livscykelperspektiv – livsbanor, efterverkningar och sociala sammanhang”. Finansiär: FORTE. Period: 2016-2017
Jag är för närvarande kursansvarig för följande kurser:
Utvärdering och evidens i socialt arbete, avancerad nivå, 7 hp
Kvantitativa forskningsmetoder i socialt arbete, grundnivå, 5 hp
Forskaren deltar inte i några projekt just nu.