Stolar och bord i klassrum.

Factors that influence the spread of infectious disease


Infectious Disease Epidemiology

15 hp

This 15-credit course examines factors that influence the spread of different forms of infectious disease epidemics, as well as studying the influence of socio-economical, geographical and biological factors on the risk of global and local outbreaks and possible control measures. Molecular epidemiological methods are covered in theory and in practice.

Samhällsfrågor att arbeta med i framtiden

Vi har kopplat våra utbildningar till FN:s 17 globala mål för hållbar utveckling. Detta är mål som du kan få verktyg att arbeta med i framtiden:

Ingen fattigdom Ingen fattigdom
Ingen hunger Ingen hunger
Hälsa och välbefinnande Hälsa och välbefinnande
God utbildning för alla God utbildning för alla
Jämställdhet Jämställdhet
Rent vatten och sanitet Rent vatten och sanitet
Minskad ojämlikhet Minskad ojämlikhet
Bekämpa klimatförändringen Bekämpa klimatförändringen
Fredliga och inkluderande samhällen Fredliga och inkluderande samhällen
Genomförande och globalt partnerskap Genomförande och globalt partnerskap

En plats för nyfikenhet och ambitioner med utbildningar som förbereder för framtiden.

Knowledge for your professional and private life After studying Biology you will have acquired an understanding of the living world, which can be a useful complement to your studies in other subjects. It is also a good subject if you quite simply have a private interest in studying Biology. Many areas of society are working on sustainable development and greening their activities, in which knowledge of biology and ecology are important components, so these courses can be valuable regardless of your degree specialisation.
Risk, surveillance, and epidemiological methods for global and local disease outbreaks On this course, you will study factors that influence the spread of different forms of infectious disease epidemics, including quantifying, surveillance, outbreak investigation, case-control studies, cohort studies, and mathematical modelling of infectious diseases. You will also learn about the influence of socio-economical, geographical and biological factors on the risk of global and local outbreaks and possible control measures (e.g. vaccination programmes). The course covers the theory of molecular epidemiological methods and you will use computer-based practicals with bacterial and viral examples to explore these methods in theory and practice. In-depth insight into modern issues and problem solving is acquired through lectures and seminars. You will also conduct an individual project and project-based group activities. Course design The course includes lectures, seminars, practical training in quantitative methods and a literature project. Assessment of the course is divided into two parts: theory is assessed through written examination; practical exercises and seminars are assessed through active participation on the course and written assignments, and oral and written presentations of your project.
Do you want to learn more about the living world? Biology is a broad subject that provides knowledge of life itself. If you are interested in the living world, then this is the right subject for you. Many areas of society are working on sustainable development and greening their activities. Knowledge of biology and ecology are important components in this, so a good understanding of Biology can be useful in many professional fields, regardless of your degree specialisation. Södertörn University offers a number of freestanding courses in the subject. They have a general focus on biology, including the philosophy of biology, physiology and ecology.