Romina Rodela
Associate Professor
Romina Rodela is Senior Researcher & Associate Professor in Environmental Management and Governance.
Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies
Romina Rodela specializes in environmental governance and has a research interest for participatory processess, for social learning, and social and environmental justice. Romina is active in transdisciplinary research projects where she collaborates with different societal actors on research seeking to gain new knowledge that has value also for policy and practice. Currenly she is the princial investigator of two research projects funded by FORMAS.
Romina joined Södertörn University in 2012 after completing a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-doctoral Program at the UNESCO Chair in Social Learning and Sustainable Development at Wageningen University External link, opens in new window., NL. At Södertörn University she is based at the Department for Environment, Development and Sustainability Studies where since 2021 she also serves as the Research Coordinator for the Theme "Sustainability challenges and pathways". She reguarly collaborates with Wageningen University (NL) and other universities in Europe and elsewhere.
She was Guest Editor and/or Managing Guest Editor for three Special Issues prepared in collaboration with colleagues from Wageningen University (NL) and Stockholm Environment Institute.
Romina is available for supervision of MSc research thesis and PhD candidates on these topics: i) innovative methods and tools for opening up participatory processes; ii) engagement of less represented groups in planning and resource management; iii) use and access to urban nature; iv) activism and social mobilisation for more sustainable living environments; and v) the theory and practice of decision support tools in planning and governance. Those interested to explore potential supervision are invited to share about 200 words outlining the research ideas, methods and academic ambitions by Email.
Current projects:
LEARNING from CRISIS - developing and testing a COVID-19 focused Learning Intervention with a focus on crisis, recovery and transformation in communities across disadvantaged urban areas. Duration 2021-2022, funded by FORMAS (grant no.2020-02844).
PLANNING with YOUTH - a tool and a framework for an engaging, meaningful and forward-looking participation of youth in shaping attractive and sustainable living environments. Duration 2019-2022, funded by FORMAS (grant no.2019-01887). Project YouTube Channel here External link, opens in new window.. Project blog here
External link, opens in new window..
Past projects at SH:
VIVAPLAN - a sustainable spatial planning framework for engaging diverse actors and citizens in revitalizing in-between spaces for social inclusion, biodiversity and well being www.viva-plan.eu. External link.(grant no.2018-00175) funded by FORMAS
Activating children from multi-ethnic disadvantaged urban areas today for a more sustainable tomorrow: playing and experimenting for sustainability leadership (2020-21). Info: https://www.sh.se/forskning/var-forskning/forskningsdatabas/forskningsprojekt/activating-children
Environmental governance in context - a study of process dynamics, contextual features and outcomes in four empirical cases (Personal grant, 2013-2018 funded by ÖSS)
- Environmental governance in context: a study of process dynamics, contextual features and outcomes in four empirical cases
- Activating children Activating children from multi-ethnic disadvantaged urban areas today for a more sustainable tomorrow: playing and experimenting for sustainability leadership.
- Developing and testing a COVID-19 focused Learning Intervention with a focus on crisis, recovery and transformation in communities across disadvantaged urban areas
- VIVA-PLAN A sustainable spatial planning framework for engaging diverse actors and citizens in revitalising in-between spaces for social inclusion, biodiversity, and well-being.
- Planning with youth Planning with youth: a tool and a framework for an engaging, meaningful and forward-looking participation of youngsters in shaping attractive and sustainable living environments