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Request interlibrary loans or suggest a purchase

Create an Interlibrary loan account to make Interlibrary loan requests

Please observe that from now on you need an Interlibrary loan account in Libris in order to make Interlibrary loan requests. Create your Interlibrary loan account in Libris.  External link, opens in new window.If you have any questions regarding Interlibrary loans in Libris, please contact:

If you are looking for a book that is not part of the library collection, you can order an interlibrary loan from another library or suggest that we purchase it.

On this page you will find information on how to request interlibrary loans of books and copies of articles or book chapters. Further down the page you will find information about and a link to a form for suggesting purchases. Go directly to Purchase suggestion.

Interlibrary loans - books

First, take a look in SöderScholar External link, opens in new window. to make sure that the book is not part of the library collections. Please note that we don't do interlibrary loans just because a book is currently on loan.

As a patron at Södertörn university library you need create an Interlibrary loan account in Libris which enables you to make Interlibrary loan requests.

Create your Interlibrary loan account in Libris External link, opens in new window..

Search for the book in Libris and from there you can make a request. If the book does not exist in Libris, you can use the “EMPTY REQUEST FORM” link.

If you have any questions regarding Interlibrary loans in Libris, please contact:

It often takes around a week to receive an interlibrary loan, from the moment you've ordered it. However, this depends on how quick other libraries are to process our requests so we can't guarantee a time frame.

When we have handled your request, you will see it, at the moment in the old version of My loans (currently out of service). We will send you an email as soon as the book is ready for collection.

Most often you can keep the book for 6 months, but the library might want it back sooner. If that happens you will receive an email. Sometimes the loan period might be shortened already from the start.

  • The following applies to both students and members of the public: If the book is in a library in the Stockholm area, we will not do an interlibrary loan. Instead, you must go to that particular library and borrow the book. The easiest way to search for a book is by using the national catalogue Libris External link, opens in new window. or Bibliotek i Stockholms län (Stockholm libraries) External link, opens in new window..
  • If you are a member of the public and wish to do an interlibrary loan, we might refer you to a public library.
  • If you are a student at a university other than Södertörn University (SH) or The Swedish Red Cross University College (RKH) and if you wish to order an interlibrary loan, we will refer you to your own university .

  • Interlibrary loans within the Nordic countries are free of charge for everyone.
  • Interlibrary loans outside the Nordic countries costs 150 SEK for students and members of the public. We will add the charge to your library card/SH card, and you can pay at the Information desk using a bank card.
  • For staff at SH and RKH, all interlibrary loans are free of charge.

Request a copy of an article

First, make sure that you check in SöderScholar External link, opens in new window. to see if the article can be accessed via the library, in electronic or print version. If you can't find it, you can order a copy.

As a patron at Södertörn university library you need to create an Interlibrary loan account in Libris which enables you to make Interlibrary loan requests.

Create your Interlibrary loan account in Libris External link, opens in new window..

Search for the journal in Libris and from there you can make a request. If the journal does not exist in Libris, you can use the “EMPTY REQUEST FORM” link.

If you are a student or member of the public, we will post the copies to your residential address. If you are a member of staff at SH or RKH, we will send the copies to your office.

  • It costs 50 SEK per article or chapter, if you are a student or member of the public. We will add the charge to your library card/SH card, and you can pay at the Information desk using a bank card.
  • For staff at SH and RKH, all interlibrary loans are free of charge.

Purchase suggestions

If you can't find what you are looking for through our search tool SöderScholar External link, opens in new window., you can suggest a purchase, of for example books, journals, databases, e-books or other electronic resources. When you suggest a purchase, the purpose must be for studies, research or similiar. We mainly buy books suggested by researchers, teachers and students at SH and RKH.

It may take 1-2 weeks before the book is delivered, although it sometimes takes longer. We will notify you when you can borrow the book. If your purchase suggestion concerns a journal we will notify you at the start of our subscription.

Before you fill in this form, take a look in SöderScholar to make sure that the book is not part of the library collections.

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