Politics, Economy and the Organisation of Society
The research area of Politics, Economy and the Organisation of Society, PESO, gathers the majority of research in the social sciences conducted at Södertörn University, and is also a research area for doctoral studies. Nine subjects – Business Studies, Journalism, Law, Economics, Public Administration, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology and Political Science – work together in an environment that focuses on research into societal institutions and their evolution. Competitive international subject-based research interacts with multidisciplinary projects and research centres.
PESO encompasses five subject areas for doctoral studies: Business Studies, Journalism, Social Work, Sociology and Political Science, as well as doctoral students employed in Economics. Four research centres have close links to PESO and are also located at the School of Social Sciences:
The Centre for the Study of Political Organisation (CPO) brings together researchers within sociology and political science, as well as media subjects, creating knowledge of how politics is shaped.
Enter Forum has researchers in economic history, business studies and economics who examine research into entrepreneurship.
The Academy of Public Administration primarily gathers researchers in business studies, sociology and political science, focusing on public administration.
Reinvent – the Centre for City Dynamics has researchers from subjects in the field of economics, social work, sociology and others who are interested in city dynamics, particularly in areas outside the city centre.
There is close cooperation with the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES), which works to promote Södertörn University’s research into the Baltic Sea region and Eastern Europe, and with the university’s graduate school, BEEGS.
Many ongoing research projects at the university are associated with the area of Politics, Economy and the Organisation of Society. For more information, please click on Projects & Publications.
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