

Philosophy is part of the Critical and Cultural Theory research area, along with Aesthetics, Art History, Comparative Literature, Media and Communication Studies, Gender Studies and the Centre for Practical Knowledge. Critical and Cultural Theory offers doctoral courses.

Research in Philosophy is focused on modern continental European philosophy and its various areas of contact with history, such as Antique Philosophy, Early Modern Philosophy and German Idealism. Current and completed projects include Time, Memory and Representation on Transformations in Historical Consciousness; Loss of ground as common ground: a multidisciplinary investigation of things shared beyond liberalism and communitarianism; Perceptions of the other: aesthetics, ethics and prejudice; Aristoteles teori om kausalitet (Aristotle's theory of causality); Det främmande och det egna (the strange and the familiar); Teknik, livsvärld, nihilism - om tekniken som identitetsbildande makt (technology, lifeworld, nihilism on technology as an identity-building force), Försoning i Hannah Arendts politiska tänkande (Reconciliation in Hannah Arendts Political Thought).

We have a continuous programme of conferences linked to current research projects and also hold higher seminars in which teachers and doctoral students, as well as invited guests, present their research. Since 2024, we also house a center for research in ancient Greek philosophy, the Södertörn Center for Ancient Philosophy (SCAPh) External link, opens in new window.. Its purpose is to promote scholarship, foster collaboration, exchange ideas, and explore innovative applications of ancient wisdom to address contemporary challenges.

Third stream activities

The subject of Philosophy has various forms of cooperation with Swedish cultural institutions. It participates in organising lectures and seminars at Moderna museet, Bonniers Konsthall and various galleries in Stockholm.

Members of teaching staff appear regularly at Södra Teatern and Rönnells Antikvariat in association with lectures and seminars, participate in book releases at Söderbokhandeln and Aspuddens bokhandel, as well as on the programmes Filosofiska Rummet and OBS Radioessä on Swedish national radio. Many are also active in cultural debate as writers and reviewers in the daily press and journals. Some also work as translators of Antique, modern and contemporary philosophical literature.

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Alfred Nobels allé 7 Flemingsberg

Postal address
141 89 Huddinge

+46 (0) 8-608 40 00


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