Research projects and publications
Publications from our researchers are listed in the research database DiVA. External link, opens in new window.
Publications series
Rhetoric’s publication series, Södertörn Rhetorical Studies, presents current research in rhetoric. The series includes monographs and anthologies by international researchers. Earlier publications in the series include Mynt i Ciceros sopor, a monograph on the status of rhetoric in 18th century Sweden, En frånvarandes samtal med en frånvarande, a monograph on letter correspondence in the 17th century with translations of the Gyldenstolpe brothers’ letters, and Förledd och förtjust, an anthology on the place of rhetoric in contemporary Swedish higher education. The series is printed as a limited edition. Please contact the editorial board for a printed version.
Editors: Annika Ström, Lennart Hellspong, Stefan Rimm.
We have produced a guide for writers who wish to be published in the series, with information about its themes, editorial requirements for the manuscript and the current procedures for publication. Please contact us for more information.
Research projects
Listed below you find information about current research projects. Of the listing is empty there are no current information available. Please visit our Swedish page for more information.