Studying abroad – grants and funding

This section has information about funding for exchange studies.


You do not need to pay any tuition fees to study as an exchange student at one of Södertörn University’s partner higher education institutions. You can apply for student finance from CSN External link, opens in new window.. Alongside normal financing, you can apply for a loan for additional costs associated with the exchange period. CSN’s website has more information about student finance for exchange studies.

Studying abroad does not need to entail significant extra costs, but having extra money with you may be a good idea if you are planning to travel round during your exchange period.

Erasmus+ Grants

The Erasmus grant comes from the European Commission and is intended to cover extra costs for people who go on a student exchange or traineeship through Erasmus+. The size of the grant is based on where you go and how many days you are physically in the host country. To be eligible for the grant, you must study abroad, full time, for at least 90 days, and apply for the credits from your exchange studies to be transferred to Södertörn University.

The size of the grant is based on where you go and how many days you are physically in the host country. If you study any days remotely, they cannot be used to calculate your grant:

host Country



Group 1, countries with high living costs:
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, (UK)



Group 2, countries with medium living costs:
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain

Group 3, countries with low living costs:
Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Rumania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary



You can get a grant for up to 12 months per educational level for studies within Erasmus+.

The Erasmus grant is paid out as two lump sums. Your first payment is 70% of the total and is made at the start of the exchange, providing you have submitted all the documentation. The remaining 30% is paid out when you return home once your mobility is completed and you have submitted all the study documentation.

The Erasmus+ exchange programme is investing in environmentally friendly travel. From the autumn semester of 2022, a one-off payment of 50 euros can be paid out to participants in the Erasmus programme who travel in an environmentally friendly manner to and/or from the host country, by train or bus. You can also get a grant for up to two days of travel before and two days after your mobility (in the same way as when you are studying).

If you are participating in an Erasmus mobility and have a permanent or long-term disability, you will receive an extra 250 euros per month in addition to the normal grant. Red more about inclusion funding here.

Other grants

Södertörn University does not administer any grants of its own for exchange studies, but other organisations have grants you can apply for. Applying for grants can be time consuming and is something you do yourself. Grants are listed in databases that you can access via the library. You can also check whether your host university offers grants for exchange students.