Studying abroad if you have a disability

Do you have a permanent disability and want to study abroad? You may be able to receive extra support during your exchange. If your exchange is part of the Erasmus programme, you can apply for extra financial support.

Support and service for students with disabilities may be organised differently in different countries. The definition of disability also differs between countries and the available support varies between higher education institutions.

Södertörn University and the host higher education institution have a shared responsibility for preparations to allow students with permanent disabilities to participate in exchanges.

Contact Funka Opens in new window. well ahead of your exchange. Funka can help with the translation of certificates and help you in your contacts with the host university ahead of your exchange.

Additional funding via Erasmus

Students participating in an Erasmus exchange and who have a permanent or long-term disability can apply for an addition 250 euros per month, in addition to the standard grant. If, during your time abroad, extra costs arise due to your mental or physical disability and which exceed 250 euros, you may apply for extra funding. If you have questions about inclusion funding as part of Erasmus+, please contact the International Office by emailing:

Contact us

Alfred Nobels allé 7 Flemingsberg

Postal address
141 89 Huddinge

+46 (0) 8-608 40 00


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