
Studying abroad

Are you dreaming about studying abroad? This page has a compilation of practical information.

Applications for exchange places for the autumn semester 2025 to spring semester 2026 are now closed. You will be notified of the outcome of your application in February 2025. International Office provides no advance notifications. It is not possible to make an late application.

Why study abroad?

There are many reasons for studying abroad. It will give you opportunities to:

  • Broaden your education by studying courses that are not available in Sweden.
  • Improve your language skills in both English and the language of your host country.
  • Get to know a foreign culture and environment.
  • Make friends and contacts in other countries.
  • Develop on a personal level from facing new challenges.
  • Make yourself more attractive on the labour market.

Read more about the application process

Apply to study abroad

Do you want to study abroad? Fantastic! This page has all the information you need about applying for exchange studies at Södertörn University’s international partner universities.

Find an exchange that suits you

Exchange agreements and programmes

Read more about Södertörn University’s exchange agreements and programmes for studying abroad.

Where can I go on an exchange?

Södertörn University has exchange places at almost 100 foreign universities, all around the world. A list of the university’s partner universities is available here.

More information about exchange studies is available here

Studying abroad independently

The page has information about what to do if you want to apply to study abroad independently.

Selection process and advantageous activities

How do applicants compete for exchange places and what can I do to increase my chances of getting a place on an exchange?

Minor Field Studies (MFS)

Minor Field Studies is a Sida-funded programme that awards a grant of SEK 30,000. This grant allows you to conduct a field study and gather material for your Bachelor’s essay or Master’s dissertation in a developing country.

Studying abroad if you have a disability

Do you have a permanent disability and want to study abroad? You may be able to receive extra support during your exchange. If your exchange is part of the Erasmus programme, you can apply for extra financial support.

Foreign traineeship

Gain experience to benefit your future career by doing a traineeship abroad. You will have the chance to make contacts, improve your language skills, become familiar with a new culture and environment, all while adding to your CV.

Grants, funding and insurance

When you have decided to study or go on a placement abroad, issues of funding, insurance and other practical questions may arise.

Grants, funding and insurance

Studying abroad – grants and funding

This section has information about funding for exchange studies.

Studying abroad - Insurance

Här hittar du information om finansiering och försäkring under dina utbytesstudier.


Do you have any questions about going on an exchange? Drop by the university’s Infocenter or join or Zoom sessions if you have quick questions.

During the drop-in hours you can meet an officer from the International Office, who will provide support with questions regarding exchange studies. You can meet us at Infocenter and on Zoom. Our drop-in hours are provided below.

We help one student at a time during Zoom drop-ins, so you may have to wait before being admitted to the Zoom room. We also meet students individually during drop-in times at Infocenter, so please take a queue ticket at the entrance.


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