Funka – Support for students with disabilities
If you are a student at Södertörn University and have a permanent disability, you can apply for educational support to help you with your studies.
It is important that you apply for support as soon as you have been accepted to the university. When you have submitted your application, we will contact you per e-mail to book an appointment. During our meeting, we discuss your needs in relation to the support provided by the university, and you will receive a certificate that you can use to communicate your needs to teaching staff. You can prepare for the meeting by reading about possible support below. If you need talking books, please contact the library’s talking book service directly. Read more about the talking book service.
Apply for support
Apply for disability support
You need a medical certificate to apply for extra support if you have a disability. The application is easy to do online.
How do we define a permanent disability?
In this context, the definition of a disability is based upon the Swedish Discrimination Act (2008:567):
“Permanent physical, mental or intellectual limitation of a person’s functional capacity that as a consequence of injury or illness existed at birth, has arisen since then or can be expected to arise”. Link to the Discrimination Act – opens in a new window External link, opens in new window.
Barriers to inclusion often arise in environments that function in specific ways, frequently without taking account of people’s differing abilities. Adaptations can therefore help you study and reduce the barriers to participation.
How accessible are the university premises?
Read about accessibility and the university premises here
What support is available to students with disabilities?
Studying abroad if you have a disability
Studying abroad if you have a disability
Do you have a permanent disability and want to study abroad? You may be able to receive extra support during your exchange. If your exchange is part of the Erasmus programme, you can apply for extra financial support.
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