Romani language repertoires in an open world

The research programme examines the complexity of linguistic repertoires in Romani communities that are undergoing changes through increased mobility and transnational networking. Drawing on current concepts in critical sociolinguistics, notions of language as localised practice, and methodological frameworks such as translanguaging and metrolingualism, the team assesses data from linguistic interaction as well as meta-discourses on language collected through observations in multiple research sites in the Nordic countries, central Europe, the UK and Latin America. The programme takes a holistic approach to language practice, observing, recording and analysing face-to-face interaction, life history narratives, interaction on the move, discourse in institutional contexts, social media, and emerging literacy, giving attention to plurilingual and multi-dialect practices. This is the first collaborative project in sociolinguistics to focus on Romani; it promises to introduce a new dimension into the analysis of a language community that has been perpetually mobile, transnational and plurilingual, and to enrich the body of work in sociolinguistics through a new and exceptional set of case studies. The programme brings together a team of scholars who represent the cutting edge of research in Romani sociolinguistics and who draw on many years of collaboration. It is a collective endeavour in which Roma will play several roles that are key to the success of the programme.

Prof. Yaron Matras, University of Manchester

Asst. Prof. Dieter W. Halwachs, University of Graz

Senior Researcher Evangelia Adamou, CNRS

Forskningsområde / geografiskt område

Institutionen för kultur och lärande Kritiska romska studier Romska studier Europa Sydamerika


2019 — 2025


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