Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies
The School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies conducts education and research in Media Technology and Informatics, Environmental Science, Tourism Studies, Biology, Mathematics Teaching, Nutrition Studies and Geography. These form the basis of a multidisciplinary environment with a strong focus on interdisciplinarity.
These form the basis of a multidisciplinary environment with a strong focus on interdisciplinarity. Many of our subjects are young academic subjects, which results in even greater potential for new and exciting collaborations across subject boundaries.
We offer eight degree programmes, of which three are at advanced level, as well as a large number of freestanding courses.
Media Technology at Södertörn University is an interdisciplinary subject that includes technology, social science and the humanities. It covers areas such as advertising, web design, photography, film and design. The subject has both practical and theoretical aspects; including skill-focused activities such as text and image processing, editing and the production of moving pictures, but also more theoretical reasoning on the social role of information technology .
Environmental Science bridges the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences and is a fascinating interdisciplinary field for education and research. Degree programmes and research are closely linked and education is provided from undergraduate to doctoral level. The research area for doctoral studies known as Environmental Studies is broad and currently has 20 doctoral students at the School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies.
Tourism Studies is a young academic subject in Sweden but has been found in other parts of the world since the mid-1950s. At Södertörn University we focus on urban tourism with the following specialities: tourism companies, experiential tourism, destination development, tourism communication and the meetings industry.