Projects and publications

Information about projects and publications in which our researchers and doctoral students participate is available here.


Publications from Environmental Studies are published on an ongoing basis in the DiVA publication database External link, opens in new window..


Mathilde Rehnlund: Getting the transport right - for what? What transport policy can tell us about the construction of sustainability External link, opens in new window.

Elise Remling: Adaptation, now? Exploring the Politics of Climate Adaptation through Poststructuralist Discourse Theory External link, opens in new window.

Ralph Tafon: The “Dark Side” of Marine Spatial Planning. A study of domination, empowerment and freedom through theories of discourse and power External link, opens in new window.


1 June
Tove Porseryd:
Endocrine disruption in fish. Effects of 17α- ethinylestradiol exposure on non-reproductive behavior, fertility and brain and testis transcriptome. External link.


15 December
Josefine Larssson:
Genetic Aspects of Environmental Disturbances in Marine Ecosystems: Studies of the Blue Mussel in the Baltic Sea. External link.

8 December
Natasja Börjeson:
Toxic Textiles: Towards Responsibility in Complex Supply Chains. External link.

1 June
Martin Kellner:
Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors in the environment – Effects of citalopram on fish behaviour. External link.

12 May
Natalya Yakusheva:
People, Parks and Policies - Nature Conservation Governance in Post-Socialist EU External link..

24 February
Linn Rabe:
Participation and Legitimacy: Actor Involvement for Nature Conservation External link..

17 February
Sara Söderström:
Regional Environmental Governance and Avenues for the Ecosystem Approach to Management in the Baltic Sea Area External link..


19 December
Naveed Asghar:
Ticks and Tick-borne encephalitis virus: from nature to infection. External link.

24 November
Kajsa-Stina Benulic:
A Beef with Meat: Media and audience framings of environmentally unsustainable production and consumption External link..

18 November
Petter Thureborn:
Microbial ecosystem functions along the steep oxygen gradient of the Landsort Deep, Baltic Sea External link..

4 March
Pernilla Andersson:
The Responsible Business Person – Studies of Business Education for Sustainability External link..

25 February
Nasim Caspillo:
Hitting the mark: studies of alterations in behaviour and fertility in ethinylestradiol-exposed zebrafish and search related biomarkers External link..


5 October
Kristina Volkova: Fishy behavior: persistent effects of early-life exposure to 17α-ethinylestradiol External link..

28 May
Frida Franzén: From words to action: Lessons from active stakeholder participation in water management External link..


4 June
Oksana Udovyk: Science-policy interaction in the governance of complex socioecological risks: The case of chemicals management in the Baltic Sea External link..


14 June
Emma Lind:
Genetic response to pollution in sticklebacks; natural selection in the wild External link..

27 September
Oskar Henriksson:
Genetic connectivity of fish in the Western Indian Ocean External link..


27 January
Wessam Melik:
Molecular characterization of the Tick-borne encephalitis virus: Environments and replication External link..

22 October
Håkan Lättman:
Studies on spatial and temporal distributions of epiphytic lichens External link..


4 November
Fred Saunders:
The Politics of People - Not Just Mangroves and Monkeys: A study of the theory and practice of community-based management of natural resources in Zanzibar External link..

Project database

Current research projects in Södertörn University’s database for research projects are published here on an ongoing basis. (If the list is empty, there are currently no ongoing projects in the database.)

STEM and equality, diversity and inclusion for research enhancement in Portugal


Capacity building on complex systems thinking

COSY Thinking

Governance pathways and policy design for sustainable forest use (GOVFORBIO)

On the road to a bio-based economy

Oceans Sustainability Pathways for Achieving Conflict transformation


Genomic signatures of anthropogenic stress on revived diatoms from natural archives


Activating children from multi-ethnic disadvantaged urban areas today for a more sustainable tomorrow: playing and experimenting for sustainability leadership.

Activating children

A sustainable spatial planning framework for engaging diverse actors and citizens in revitalising in-between spaces for social inclusion, biodiversity, and well-being.


Planning with youth: a tool and a framework for an engaging, meaningful and forward-looking participation of youngsters in shaping attractive and sustainable living environments

Planning with youth

Strengthening the Social Pillar in Marine Spatial Planning

Taking Social Sustainability to the Sea

The process of deliberating and adopting a Swedish National Forest Program in the emerging bioeconomy

Towards a reformed forest policy

Comparing "from below" experiences in Brazil, Ecuador and Mozambique

Indigenous Community-Based Eco-Tourism and Socio-environmental Justice in the Global South

Anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox): a proposed missing piece in the Baltic Sea nitrogen cycle

Anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox): a proposed missing piece in the Baltic Sea nitrogen cycle