Projects and publications
Information about projects and publications in which our researchers and doctoral students participate is available here.
Publications from Environmental Studies are published on an ongoing basis in the DiVA publication database External link, opens in new window..
Project database
Current research projects in Södertörn University’s database for research projects are published here on an ongoing basis. (If the list is empty, there are currently no ongoing projects in the database.)
STEM and equality, diversity and inclusion for research enhancement in Portugal
Capacity building on complex systems thinking
COSY Thinking
Governance pathways and policy design for sustainable forest use (GOVFORBIO)
On the road to a bio-based economy
Oceans Sustainability Pathways for Achieving Conflict transformation
Genomic signatures of anthropogenic stress on revived diatoms from natural archives
Activating children from multi-ethnic disadvantaged urban areas today for a more sustainable tomorrow: playing and experimenting for sustainability leadership.
Activating children
A sustainable spatial planning framework for engaging diverse actors and citizens in revitalising in-between spaces for social inclusion, biodiversity, and well-being.
Planning with youth: a tool and a framework for an engaging, meaningful and forward-looking participation of youngsters in shaping attractive and sustainable living environments
Planning with youth
Strengthening the Social Pillar in Marine Spatial Planning
Taking Social Sustainability to the Sea
The process of deliberating and adopting a Swedish National Forest Program in the emerging bioeconomy
Towards a reformed forest policy
Comparing "from below" experiences in Brazil, Ecuador and Mozambique
Indigenous Community-Based Eco-Tourism and Socio-environmental Justice in the Global South
Anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox): a proposed missing piece in the Baltic Sea nitrogen cycle