
Gender Studies

Gender Studies is a dynamic subject that has existed at Södertörn University since 2000. We offer education from Bachelor’s to doctoral levels and conduct interdisciplinary research, with national and international links, bringing together researchers and teaching staff from a range of different subjects.

Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary subject, founded upon decades of research and with its origins in the humanities and social sciences. Teaching staff and researchers in Gender Studies conduct research on a range of issues and subject areas, and cooperate with researchers in other subjects at the university who also have an interest in gender. Gender Studies explores issues such as how conceptions of male and female have different meanings in various historical, cultural, political and societal contexts. This is often done from an intersectional perspective, where gender relations are examined in relation to other orders of power, such as sexuality, age, disability, class and ethnicity. Research is conducted through a wide variety of research specialisations, methodological approaches and theoretical perspectives. We are part of the research area for Critical and Cultural Theory and currently have a number of doctoral students enrolled. Examples of areas in which we conduct research are:

  • gender, media and technology
  • gender, ageing and disability
  • gender, globalisation and transnational feminism
  • feminism, politics and social movements, and the writing of history
  • gender, class and inequality
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