
Media and Communication Studies

Media and Communication Studies at Södertörn University is well-established in the area of Swedish and international research and education. In Media Studies, the digital media landscape is explored using historical and cultural perspectives that place contemporary phenomena in a historical context, so providing a deeper understanding of the present. Qualitative methods and hermeneutic approaches characterise our approach to Media Studies, along with extensive research on the Baltic Sea region and Eastern Europe.

Regardless of your future career, Media Studies provides an excellent foundation. Many of our former students work in professions related to the media, such as communication, journalism, PR or media production.

Knowledge of the media is central to civic education in a society that is increasingly shaped by digital media. Media and Communication Studies offers in-depth knowledge of how the media functions, how it has changed over time, how it is organised and how it influences society and culture.

Programmes & courses
Research, projects & publications
Events calendar

Fellows 2024/25

Aaron Shapiro, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Project: Recurring Revenue: Rent and Patronage in the Subscription Economy

Maria-Carolina Cambre, Concordia University
Project: Visual Accountability: "Show, Don’t Tell"

Call for Visiting Research Fellows 2025/26 Pdf, 72.2 kB.

Fellows 2023/24

Helen Kennedy, University of Sheffield
Project: Manifesto for a good digital society

Photini Vrikki, Kings college
Project: The Data Centre Industry: Centres of Exploitation, Power, and the Public Imagination

B Camminga, ICI
Project: Sovereign Clicks: African Transgender Refugees, Migrating Mediascapes, & Digital Diasporic Voices

Caroline Bassett, University of Cambridge
Project: The Automation of Writing

Fellows 2022/23

Greg Elmer, Ryerson University, Canada
Project: Book project ”Underground Media”

Tiziano Bonini, Sociology of Culture and Communication, University of Siena
Project: Algorithmic Resistance

Bethany Berard, Department of Communication and Media Studies, Carleton University, Canada
Project: Light sensitive materials: A history of charged-couple device sensors and the dawn of digital photography

Uschi Klein, University of Brighton
Project: Vernacular photography as a form of cultural resistance during Romania’s communist era (1947-1989)

Fellows 2021/22

Maria Kyriakidou, Cardiff University, School of Journalism, Media and Culture
Project: Countering disinformation: enhancing journalistic legitimacy in public service media

Zrinjka Peruško, Department for Media and Communication, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb
Project: Comparing Media Systems in CEE countries

Lynn Schofield Clark, Estlow Center for Journalism & New Media, Department of Media, Film & Journalism Studies, University of Denver
Project: Building an International Network on Young People and News


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