Research project and publications

Media and Communication Studies (MCS) at Södertörn is a thriving research environment. Our research is diverse, encompassing many theoretical perspectives and empirical areas and often building upon the media’s extensive presence in everyday life, rather than focusing on a specific medium, format or platform.

MCS is a multidisciplinary subject with great breadth, including perspectives from both the social sciences and the humanities. At Södertörn University, the emphasis tends to be on historical, humanistic and cultural theoretical perspectives. Thematically, much of the research covers digital media cultures, media history and questions relating to power and the media, with a significant amount relating to Eastern Europe and the Baltic Sea region and funded by the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies. However, our research generally has an international profile and the research environment is characterised by numerous partnerships between international researchers and universities and MCS at Södertörn University.

Researchers and doctoral students conduct their research within the area of Critical and Cultural Theory External link..


Publications from our researchers are listed in the research database DiVA. External link, opens in new window.

Research projects

Listed below you find information about current research projects. Of the listing is empty there are no current information available. Please visit our Swedish page for more information.