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Kim, J. H., Kim, J. Y., Lee, S., Lee, S., Stubbs, B., Koyanagi, A., … Fusar-Poli, P. (2022). Environmental Risk Factors, Protective Factors, and Biomarkers for Postpartum Depressive Symptoms : An Umbrella Review. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 140. Published.
Koposov, R. A., Stickley, A., & Ruchkin, V. (2022). Bulimia Symptoms in Russian Youth : Prevalence and Association With Internalizing Problems. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. Published.
Oh, H., Stickley, A., Lincoln, K. D., & Koyanagi, A. (2022). Allergies, infections, and psychiatric disorders among Black Americans : findings from the National Survey of American Life. Ethnicity and Health, 27(1), 74–82.
Saunderson, J. M., Stickley, A., Sturidsson, K., Koposov, R., Sukhodolsky, D. G., & Ruchkin, V. (2022). Posttraumatic Stress and Perceived Interpersonal Provocation in Adolescents. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Epub ahead of print.
Stickley, A., Neligan, A., Baburin, A., Jasilionis, D., Krumins, J., Martikainen, P., … Leinsalu, M. (2022). Educational inequalities in epilepsy mortality in the Baltic countries and Finland in 2000-2015. Scientific Reports, 12(1).
Tasmin, S., Ng, C. F. S., Stickley, A., Yasumoto, S., & Watanabe, C. (2022). Acute effects of ambient temperature on lung function of a panel of school children living in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Science of the Total Environment, 838. Published.
Waldman, K., Stickley, A., Araujo Dawson, B., & Oh, H. (2022). Racial discrimination and disability among Asian and Latinx populations in the United States. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(1), 96–105.
Yoon, S., Kim, S. E., Ko, Y., Jeong, G. H., Lee, K. H., Lee, J., … Fusar-Poli, P. (2022). [Review of Differential expression of MicroRNAs in Alzheimer’s disease : a systematic review and meta-analysis]. Molecular Psychiatry, 27, 2405–2413.
Baburin, A., Reile, R., Veideman, T., & Leinsalu, M. (2021). Age, Period and Cohort Effects On Alcohol Consumption In Estonia, 1996-2018. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 56(4), 451–459.
Choi, M. J., Yang, J. W., Lee, S., Kim, J. Y., Oh, J. W., Lee, J., … Solmi, M. (2021). Suicide associated with COVID-19 infection : an immunological point of view. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 25(20), 6397–6407.
Isaksson, J., Westermark, C., Koposov, R. A., Stickley, A., & Ruchkin, V. (2021). Risky sexual behaviour among Russian adolescents : association with internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 15. Published.
Jasilionis, D., & Leinsalu, M. (2021). Changing effect of the numerator-denominator bias in unlinked data on mortality differentials by education : evidence from Estonia, 2000-2015. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 75(1), 88–91.
Jeong, D. Y., Lee, J., Kim, J. Y., Lee, K. H., Li, H., Lee, J. Y., … Fusar-Poli, P. (2021). [Review of Empirical assessment of biases in cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of alzheimer’s disease : An umbrella review and re-analysis of data from meta-analyses]. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 25(3), 1536–1547.
Koposov, R., Isaksson, J., Vermeiren, R., Schwab-Stone, M., Stickley, A., & Ruchkin, V. (2021). Community Violence Exposure and School Functioning in Youth : Cross-Country and Gender Perspectives. Frontiers In Public Health, 9. Published.
Koposov, R., Stickley, A., & Ruchkin, V. (2021). Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Among Incarcerated Adolescents : Prevalence, Personality, and Psychiatric Comorbidity. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. Published.
Lee, S., Lee, K. H., Park, K. M., Park, S. J., Kim, W. J., Lee, J., ... & Fusar-Poli, P. (2021). Impact of data extraction errors in meta-analyses on the association between depression and peripheral inflammatory biomarkers: an umbrella review. Psychological medicine, 1-14.
Long, D., Mackenbach, J., Martikainen, P., Lundberg, O., Brønnum-Hansen, H., Bopp, M., … Nusselder, W. (2021). Smoking and inequalities in mortality in 11 European countries : a birth cohort analysis. Population Health Metrics, 19(1).
Nusselder, W. J., Rubio Valverde, J., Bopp, M., Brønnum-Hansen, H., Deboosere, P., Kalediene, R., … Mackenbach, J. P. (2021). Determinants of inequalities in years with disability : an international-comparative study. European Journal of Public Health, 31(3), 527–533.
Ruchkin, V., Isaksson, J., Schwab-Stone, M., & Stickley, A. (2021). Prevalence and early risk factors for bulimia nervosa symptoms in inner-city youth : gender and ethnicity perspectives. Journal of Eating Disorders, 9(1).
Stickley, A., Baburin, A., Jasilionis, D., Krumins, J., Martikainen, P., Kondo, N., & Leinsalu, M. (2021a). Economic cycles and inequalities in alcohol-related mortality in the Baltic countries and Finland in 2000-2015 : a register-based study. Addiction, 16(12), 3357–3368.
Stickley, A., Baburin, A., Jasilionis, D., Krumins, J., Martikainen, P., Kondo, N., & Leinsalu, M. (2021b). Macroeconomic changes and educational inequalities in traffic fatalities in the Baltic countries and Finland in 2000-2015 : a register-based study. Scientific Reports, 11(1).
Stickley, A., Kondo, N., Richardson, E., Leinsalu, M., Waldman, K., Oh, H., … McKee, M. (2021). Disability and loneliness in nine countries of the former Soviet Union. Disability and Health Journal, 14(4).
Stickley, A., Kondo, N., Roberts, B., Kizilova, K., Waldman, K., Oh, H., … McKee, M. (2021). Disability and psychological distress in nine countries of the former Soviet Union. Journal of Affective Disorders, 292, 782–787.
Stickley, A., Koposov, R., Koyanagi, A., Oh, H., & Ruchkin, V. (2021). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Community Violence Exposure in Russian Adolescents. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(17–18), NP9738-NP9756.
Stickley, A., Waldman, K., Sumiyoshi, T., Narita, Z., Shirama, A., Shin, J. I., & Oh, H. (2021). Childhood physical neglect and psychotic experiences : Findings from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 15(2), 256–262.
Waldman, K., Stickley, A., & Oh, H. (2021). Perceived Discrimination Following the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks and Psychiatric Disorders Among Latinx Populations in the United States. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 9(3), 258–268.
Di Girolamo, C., Nusselder, W. J., Bopp, M., Brønnum-Hansen, H., Costa, G., Kovács, K., … Mackenbach, J. P. (2020). Progress in reducing inequalities in cardiovascular disease mortality in Europe. Heart, 106, 40–49.
Ferlander, S., & Behtoui, A. (2020). Fritidsaktiviteter och ungdomars välbefinnande. In Ungdomars fritidsaktiviteter : deltagande, möjligheter och konsekvenser (pp. 185–204). Retrieved from
Gerdner, A., & Carlson, P. (2020). Health and living conditions of Samis compared with other citizens based on representative surveys in three Swedish regions. International Journal of Social Welfare, 29(3), 255–269.
Haraguchi, H., Yamaguchi, H., Miyake, A., Tachibana, Y., Stickley, A., Horiguchi, M., … Kamio, Y. (2020). One-year outcomes of low-intensity behavioral interventions among Japanese preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders : Community-based study. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 76. Published.
Isaksson, J., Sjöblom, S., Schwab-Stone, M., Stickley, A., & Ruchkin, V. (2020). Risk Factors Associated with Alcohol Use in Early Adolescence among American Inner-City Youth : A Longitudinal Study. Substance Use & Misuse, 55(3), 358–366.
Isaksson, J., Schwab-Stone, M., Stickley, A., & Ruchkin, V. (2020). Risk and Protective Factors for Problematic Drinking in Early Adolescence : A Systematic Approach. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 51(2), 231–238.
Isaksson, J., Sukhodolsky, D. G., Koposov, R., Stickley, A., & Ruchkin, V. (2020). The Role of Gender in the Associations Among Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Anger, and Aggression in Russian Adolescents. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 33(4), 552–563.
Jacob, L., Smith, L., Haro, J. M., Stickley, A., & Koyanagi, A. (2020). Serious physical injury and depressive symptoms among adolescents aged 12–15 years from 21 low- and middle-income countries. Journal of Affective Disorders, 264, 172–180.
Kim, J. H., Kim, J. Y., Lee, J., Jeong, G. H., Lee, E., Lee, S., … Fusar-Poli, P. (2020). [Review of Environmental risk factors, protective factors, and peripheral biomarkers for ADHD : an umbrella review]. Lancet psychiatry, 7(11), 955–970.
Koyanagi, A., Veronese, N., Vancampfort, D., Stickley, A., Jackson, S. E., Oh, H., … Smith, L. (2020). Association of bullying victimization with overweight and obesity among adolescents from 41 low- and middle-income countries. Pediatric Obesity, 15(1).
Larsen, A., Lilja, M., Sturidsson, K., Blatny, M., Hrdlicka, M., Stickley, A., & Ruchkin, V. (2020). Bulimia symptoms in Czech youth : prevalence and association with internalizing problems. Eating and Weight Disorders, 25, 1543–1552.
Lee, J., Son, M. J., Son, C. Y., Jeong, G. H., Lee, K. H., Lee, K. S., … Fusar-Poli, P. (2020). Genetic Variation and Autism : A Field Synopsis and Systematic Meta-Analysis. Brain Sciences, 10(10).
Leinsalu, M., Baburin, A., Jasilionis, D., Krumins, J., Martikainen, P., & Stickley, A. (2020a). Economic fluctuations and urban-rural differences in educational inequalities in mortality in the Baltic countries and Finland in 2000-2015 : a register-based study. International Journal for Equity in Health, 19(1).
Leinsalu, M., Baburin, A., Jasilionis, D., Krumins, J., Martikainen, P., & Stickley, A. (2020b). Macroeconomic fluctuations and educational inequalities in suicide mortality among working-age men in the Baltic countries and Finland in 2000–2015 : A register-based study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 131, 138–143.
Mackenbach, J. P., Rubio Valverde, J., Bopp, M., Brønnum-Hansen, H., Costa, G., Deboosere, P., … Nusselder, W. J. (2020). Progress against inequalities in mortality : register-based study of 15 European countries between 1990 and 2015. European Journal of Epidemiology, 34(12), 1131–1142.
Reile, R., Baburin, A., Veideman, T., & Leinsalu, M. (2020). Long-term trends in the body mass index and obesity risk in Estonia : an age-period-cohort approach. International Journal of Public Health, 65, 859–869.
Rydland, H. T., Fjær, E. L., Eikemo, T. A., Huijts, T., Bambra, C., Wendt, C., … Mackenbach, J. P. (2020). Educational inequalities in mortality amenable to healthcare. A comparison of European healthcare systems. PLOS ONE, 15(7).
Stickley, A., Koyanagi, A., Ueda, M., Inoue, Y., Waldman, K., & Oh, H. (2020). Physical multimorbidity and suicidal behavior in the general population in the United States. Journal of Affective Disorders, 260, 604–609.
Stickley, A., Oh, H., Sumiyoshi, T., Mckee, M., & Koyanagi, A. (2020). Injury and depression among 212 039 individuals in 40 low- and middle-income countries. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 29. Published.
Stickley, A., Oh, H., Sumiyoshi, T., Narita, Z., Shirama, A., & Waldman, K. (2020). The September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, media exposure, and psychotic experiences among Asian and Latino Americans. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 74(10), 572–573.
Stickley, A., Sumiyoshi, T., Narita, Z., Oh, H., DeVylder, J. E., Jacob, L., & Koyanagi, A. (2020). Physical injury and psychotic experiences in 48 low- and middle-income countries. Psychological Medicine, 50(16), 2751–2758.
Stickley, A., Waldman, K., Ueda, M., Koyanagi, A., Sumiyoshi, T., Narita, Z., … Oh, H. (2020). Childhood neglect and suicidal behavior : Findings from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect, 103. Published.
Teng, A., Blakely, T., Atkinson, J., Kalėdienė, R., Leinsalu, M., Martikainen, P. T., … Mackenbach, J. P. (2020). Changing social inequalities in smoking, obesity and cause-specific mortality : Cross-national comparisons using compass typology. PLOS ONE, 15(7).
Baars, A. E., Rubio-Valverde, J. R., Hu, Y., Bopp, M., Brønnum-Hansen, H., Kalediene, R., … Nusselder, W. J. (2019). Fruit and vegetable consumption and its contribution to inequalities in life expectancy and disability-free life expectancy in ten European countries. International Journal of Public Health, 64(6), 861–872.
Carlson, P., & Berggren, E. (2019). Skolor måste engagera sig mot alkoholmissbruket. Dagens Samhälle. Retrieved from
Ebishima, K., Takahashi, H., Stickley, A., Nakahachi, T., Sumiyoshi, T., & Kamio, Y. (2019). Relationship of the Acoustic Startle Response and Its Modulation to Adaptive and Maladaptive Behaviors in Typically Developing Children and Those With Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Pilot Study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13. Published.
Haraguchi, H., Stickley, A., Saito, A., Takahashi, H., & Kamio, Y. (2019). Stability of Autistic Traits from 5 to 8 Years of Age Among Children in the General Population. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(1), 324–334.
Inagawa, T., Narita, Z., Sugawara, N., Maruo, K., Stickley, A., Yokoi, Y., & Sumiyoshi, T. (2019). A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Multisession Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Cognition in Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 50(4), 273–282.
Inoue, Y., Howard, A. G., Qin, B., Yazawa, A., Stickley, A., & Gordon-Larsen, P. (2019). The association between family members’ migration and cognitive function among people left behind in China. PLOS ONE, 14(9).
Inoue, Y., Stickley, A., Yazawa, A., Aida, J., Kawachi, I., Kondo, K., & Fujiwara, T. (2019). Adverse childhood experiences, exposure to a natural disaster and posttraumatic stress disorder among survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 28(1), 45–53.
Koyanagi, A., Veronese, N., Stubbs, B., Vancampfort, D., Stickley, A., Oh, H., … Lara, E. (2019). Food Insecurity Is Associated with Mild Cognitive Impairment among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in South Africa : Findings from a Nationally Representative Survey. Nutrients, 11(4).
Leinsalu, M., Reile, R., & Stickley, A. (2019). Economic fluctuations and long-term trends in depression : a repeated cross-sectional study in Estonia 2004-2016. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 73(11), 1026–1032.
Mackenbach, J. P., Valverde, J. R., Bopp, M., Bronnum-Hansen, H., Deboosere, P., Kalediene, R., … Nusselder, W. J. (2019). Determinants of inequalities in life expectancy : an international comparative study of eight risk factors. The Lancet Public Health, 4(10), E529–E537.
Oh, H., Waldman, K., Stickley, A., DeVylder, J. E., & Koyanagi, A. (2019). Psychotic experiences and physical health conditions in the United States. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 90, 1–6.
Oh, H., Stickley, A., Singh, F., & Koyanagi, A. (2019). Self-reported asthma diagnosis and mental health : Findings from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Psychiatry Research, 271, 721–725.
Reile, R., & Leinsalu, M. (2019). Factors associated with improving diet and physical activity among persons with excess body weight. European Journal of Public Health, 29(6), 1166–1171.
Stickley, A., Koposov, R., Kamio, Y., Takahashi, H., Koyanagi, A., Inoue, Y., … Ruchkin, V. (2019). Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and future expectations in Russian adolescents. ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, 11(3), 279–287.
Stickley, A., Koposov, R., Koyanagi, A., Inoue, Y., & Ruchkin, V. (2019). ADHD and depressive symptoms in adolescents : the role of community violence exposure. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 54(6), 683–691.
Stickley, A., Leinsalu, M., DeVylder, J. E., Inoue, Y., & Koyanagi, A. (2019). Sleep problems and depression among 237 023 community-dwelling adults in 46 low- and middle-income countries. Scientific Reports, 9(1).
Stickley, A., Leinsalu, M., Ruchkin, V., Oh, H., Narita, Z., & Koyanagi, A. (2019). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and perceived mental health discrimination in adults in the general population. European Psychiatry, 56, 91–96.
Stickley, A., Ng, C. F. S., Watanabe, C., Inoue, Y., Koyanagi, A., & Konishi, S. (2019). General thoughts of death and mortality : findings from the Komo-Ise cohort, Japan. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 28(6), 662–669.
Stickley, A., Oh, H., Koyanagi, A., Leinsalu, M., Narita, Z., Roberts, B., & McKee, M. (2019). Perceived discrimination and psychological distress in nine countries of the former Soviet Union. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 55(2), 158–168.
Stickley, A., Oh, H., Sumiyoshi, T., Narita, Z., DeVylder, J. E., Jacob, L., … Koyanagi, A. (2019). Perceived discrimination and psychotic experiences in the English general population. European Psychiatry, 62, 50–57.
Stickley, A., Waldman, K., Koyanagi, A., DeVylder, J. E., Narita, Z., Sumiyoshi, T., … Oh, H. (2019). Psychotic experiences and accidents, injuries, and poisonings among adults in the United States. Psychiatry Research, 282. Published.
Tanaka, H., Nusselder, W. J., Bopp, M., Brønnum-Hansen, H., Kalediene, R., Lee, J. S., … Mackenbach, J. P. (2019). Mortality inequalities by occupational class among men in Japan, South Korea and eight European countries : a national register-based study, 1990–2015. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 73(8), 750–758.
Tasmin, S., Ng, C. F. S., Stickley, A., Md, N., Saroar, G., Yasumoto, S., & Watanabe, C. (2019). Effects of Short-term Exposure to Ambient Particulate Matter on the Lung Function of School Children in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Epidemiology, 30(Suppl 1), S15–S23.
Billingsley S, Matysiak A. Social mobility and family expansion in Poland and Russia during socialism and capitalism. Advances in Life Course Research 2018; 36: 80-91.
Carlson P. Binge drinking in adolescence: Social stratification and the collectivity of drinking cultures. European Journal of Social Work 2018 ; 21: 74-85.
Isaksson J, Stickley A, Koposov R, Ruchkin V. The danger of being inattentive – ADHD symptoms and risky sexual behaviour in Russian adolescents. European Psychiatry 2018; 47: 42-48.
Griswold MG, Fullmann N, Hawley C, ….., Leinsalu M, … , Gakidou E. Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet 2018; 392: 1015-1035.
Koposov R, Stickley A, Ruchkin V. Inhalant use in adolescents in northern Russia. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2018; 53: 709-716.
Kamio Y, Takei R, Stickley A, Saito A, Nakagawa A. Impact of temperament and autistic traits on psychopathology in Japanese children: a nationwide cross-sectional study. Personality and Individual Differences 2018;124:1-7.
Koyanagi A, Lara E, Stubbs B, Carvalho A, Oh H, Stickley A, Veronese N, Vancampfort D. Chronic physical conditions, multimorbidity, and mild cognitive impairment in low- and middle-income countries. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2018; 66: 721-727.
Koyanagi A, Oh H, Stickley A, Stubbs B, Veronese N, Vancampfort D, Haro JM, DeVylder J. Sibship size, birth order and psychotic experiences: evidence from 43 low- and middle-income countries. Schizophrenia Research 2018; 201: 406-412.
Leinsalu M, Reile R, Vals K, Petkeviciene J, Tekkel M, Stickley A. Macroeconomic changes and dental care utilization in Estonia and Lithuania in 2004-2012: a repeated cross-sectional study. BMC Oral Health 2018; 18: 199.
Lorant V, Rianne de Gelder R, Kapadia D, Borrell C, Kalediene R, Kovács K, Leinsalu M, Martikainen P, Menvielle G, Regidor E, Rodríguez-Sanz M, Wojtyniak B, Heine Strand B, Bopp M, Mackenbach JP. Socioeconomic inequalities in suicide in Europe: the widening gap. British Journal of Psychiatry 2018; 212: 356-361.
Lozano R, Fullmann N, Abate D, …, Leinsalu M, …., Murray CJL. Measuring progress from 1990 to 2017 and projecting attainment to 2030 of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals for 195 countries and territories: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet 2018; 392:2091-2138.
Mackenbach JP, Valverde JR, Artnik B, Bopp M, Brønnum-Hansen H, Deboosere P, Kalediene R, Kovács K, Leinsalu M, Martikainen P, Menvielle G, Regidor E, Rychtaříková J, Rodriguez-Sanz M, Vineis P, White C, Wojtyniak B, Hu Y, Nusselder WJ. Trends in health inequalities in 27 European countries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2018; 115: 6440-6445.
Ogino K, Takahashi H, Nakamura T, Kim J, Kikuchi H, Nakahachi T, Ebishima K, Yoshiuchi K, Ando T, Sumiyoshi T, Stickley A, Yamamoto Y, Kamio Y. Negatively skewed locomotor activity is related to autistic traits and behavioral problems in typically developing children and those with autism spectrum disorders. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2018; 12: 518.
Oh H, Koyanagi A , DeVylder J , Stickley A. Seasonal allergies and psychiatric disorders in the United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018; 15: pii:E1965.
Stickley A, Koyanagi A. Physical multimorbidity and loneliness: a population-based study. Plos One2018;13:e0191651.
Stickley A, Koyanagi A, Inoue Y, Leinsalu M. Childhood hunger and thoughts of death or suicide in
older adults. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2018; 26: 1070-1078.
Stickley A, Koyanagi A, Takahashi H, Ruchkin V, Inoue Y, Yazawa A, Kamio Y. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and happiness among adults in the general population. Psychiatry Research 2018; 265: 317-323.
Stickley A, Leinsalu M. Childhood hunger and depressive symptoms in adulthood: findings from a
population-based study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2018; 226: 332-338.
Stickley A, Tachimori H, Inoue Y, Shinkai T, Yoshimura R, Nakamura J, Morita G, Nishii S, Tokutsu Y, Otsuka Y, Egashira K, Inoue M, Kubo T, Tesen H, Takashima N, Tominaga H, Koyanagi A, Kamio Y. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and suicidal behavior in adult psychiatric outpatients. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2018; 72: 713-722..
Takahashi H, Nakahachi T, Stickley A, Ishitobi M, Kamio Y. Relationship between physiological and parent-observed auditory over-responsiveness in children with typical development and those with autism spectrum disorders. Autism 2018; 22: 291-298.
Takahashi H, Nakamura T, Kim J, Kikuchi H, Nakahachi T, Ishitobi M, Ebishima K, Yoshiuchi K, Ando T, Stickley A, Yamamoto Y, Kamio Y. Acoustic hyper-reactivity and negatively skewed locomotor activity in children with autism spectrum disorders: an exploratory study. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2018;9:355.
Tingstedt O, Lindblad F, Koposov R, Blatný M, Hrdlicka M, Stickley A, Ruchkin V. Somatic symptoms and internalizing problems in urban youth: a cross-cultural comparison of Czech and Russian adolescents. European Journal of Public Health 2018; 28: 480-484.
Information om aktuella forskningsprojekt hämtas från Södertörns högskolas projektdatabas och listas här. Det går också att läsa mer bland våra forskningsprojekt.
Sociala relationer och hälsa
Under de senaste åren har det skett ett ökat intresse för sociala relationer och socialt kapital inom hälsoforskningen. Socialt kapital anses i allmänhet vara positivt relaterat till hälsa. För en översikt av begreppet socialt kapital och en urskiljning av dess olika former med fokus på deras hälsoeffekter, se Ferlander (2007). Det har dock gjorts relativt få studier om socialt kapital och hälsa i Östeuropa. Inom detta forskningstema undersöks därför sambandet mellan fenomenen i Ryssland och Ukraina. Mer specifikt studeras:
- sambandet mellan olika former av socialt kapital och hälsa.
- genusskillnader i sambandet mellan socialt kapital och hälsa.
- mekanismer mellan socialt kapital, genus och hälsa.
Både fysisk och psykisk hälsa studeras med hjälp av våra tre surveyundersökningar: Moscow Health Survey 2004; Stakhanov Health Survey 2009 och Yaroslavl Health Survey 2010-2011.
SCOHOST har redan genomfört ett flertal studier om sociala relationer och socialt kapital i Moskva. Resultaten visar bl a att tilliten till institutioner är mycket låg bland Moskvabor (Ferlander & Carlson 2005; Stickley m fl 2009). Studier har också påvisat att olika former av sociala relationer och socialt kapital påverkar omåttlig alkoholkonsumtion (Jukkala m fl 2008), psykisk hälsa (Kislitsyna & Ferlander 2008), självskattad hälsa (Ferlander & Mäkinen 2009) och viktimisering (Stickley & Pridemore 2010) i Moskva. I samtliga studier erhölls signifikanta genusskillnader i sambanden. Exempelvis föreligger inga samband mellan någon form av socialt kapital och självupplevd hälsa bland kvinnor, medan ett signifikant samband finns mellan sociala relationer utanför familjen och mäns självskattade hälsa i Moskva (Ferlander & Mäkinen 2009).
Urban miljö och hälsa
Samhällena i Central- och Östeuropa (CEE) är till stor del urbaniserade. De demografiska och folkhälsorelaterade karaktärsdragen i regionen är därför intimt förbundna med fysiska, miljömässiga och sociala karakteristika betingade av den urbana miljön. Detta forskningstema undersöker befolkningen, hälsogeografi i CEE städer inom kontexten postkommunistisk transformation, genom att studera ett antal temata som är avgörande för förståelsen av befolkningsminskningen i regionen, inkluderande:
- Hälsa och livsmiljö
- Ursprung och orsaker till den urbana befolkningsminskningen
- Ursprung, mönster och förlopp av etnisk och socio-ekonomisk bostadssegregation
- Bostadskvalitet och bostadsojämlikheter
- Sociala processer och urban social infrastruktur.
Den metodologiska inriktningen är väsentligen baserad på kvantitativa metoder. Huvudsakligt källmaterial är Stakhanov och Yaroslavls intervjuundersökningar inom hälsoområdet (SHIS 2009 och YHIS 2011), men även annan survey data används. Vidare används arkivmaterial i de historiska studier som syftar till att extrapolera socialisternas inverkan på strukturen av dagens bostadsområden.
Psykologiska aspekter på hälsa - Självmordsmortalitet i Östeuropa och östra Centraleuropa
En del av huvudprojektet är att undersöka självmordsmortaliteten i Östeuropa samt östra Centraleuropa med fokus på förändringar och dess orsaker under transitionsperioden.
Mer specifika temata är: självmordsforskningens historia i Ryssland, historiska förändringar i rysk suicidmortalitet, attityder till självmord i Östeuropa, sociala konkomitanter till självmord så väl som generella frågor kring suicidepidemiologisk teori. Professor Ilkka Henrik Mäkinen är ansvarig för detta område.
I projektet ingår forskningspartner från WHO European Region samt flera suicidforskare från både Öst- och Västeuropa.
Moscow Health Survey 2004
Moscow Health Survey 2004 var utformad för att undersöka hälsa hos Moskvabor i relation till beteendemönster, ekonomi och sociala faktorer. Undersökningen är ett samarbetsprojekt mellan SCOHOST och Institute of Social and Economic Studies of Population (ISESP) på ryska vetenskapsakademin i Moskva.
Våren 2004 utfördes 1200 personliga intervjuer med hjälp av ett strukturerat frågeformulär som bestod av ett 100-tal frågor uppdelade i fem områden: demografi, socioekonomisk status, levnadsstandard, hälsa, livsstil och socialt kapital.
Det slumpmässiga urvalet, med kontroll för kön och åldersgrupp, utfördes i 125 kommunala distrikt i Stor-Moskva. Svarsandelen var 47 % och antalet uppgick till 1190 personer, vars demografiska och socioekonomiska karaktär kan anses representativt för Stor-Moskva.
Moscow Health Survey har lett till en rad publikationer i vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Artiklarna har behandlat flera olika ämnen, t ex: surveymetodologi, självuppskattad hälsa, omåttlig alkoholkonsumtion, rökning, viktimisering, attityder mot sexpartners, våld mot kvinnor, accepterande attityder gentemot självmord samt tillit till institutioner; vilka har satts i relation till variabler som: kön, utbildning, ekonomisk situation och olika former av socialt kapital.
Stakhanov Health Survey 2009
Denna intervjuundersökning slutfördes i juni 2009. Med ett urval på 3000 svarande är det en av de största hälso- och befolkningsundersökningarna som genomförts i en enskild stad i Central och Östeuropa. Ämnen som tas upp i frågeformuläret spänner från generella fysiska och mentala hälsoindikatorer till frågor relaterade till fertilitet och mortalitet, boende, tillit till samhälleliga institutioner och migration.
Stakahanov är en liten stad (ca 80 000 invånare) i kolgruvedistriktet Donbass i östra Ukraina. Genom den Sovjetiska kommandoekonomins frånfälle har stadens industriella bas blivit obsolet och gjort en stor del av arbetskraften överflödig. Den globala ekonomiska krisen under 2008-2009 accentuerade ytterligare tyngden i den interna kris som den post-sovjetiska omstruktureringen av ekonomin innebar för Stakahanov. I ljuset av detta kan vår undersökning sägas reflektera en utveckling som sker i en miljö av extrem ekonomisk ovisshet.