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Forms of Autonomy: Aesthetic Theory between Experimental Art and Cultural Policy

An International Conference at Södertörn University and Hägerstensåsens Medborgarhus, Stockholm, June 13-14, 2024.

In the problem of the autonomy of art, not only the autonomy of art is at stake. In recent years, across different national contexts, policy measures and reforms have been launched that decimate the independence of cultural and educational institutions, while waving the false flag of ”freedom” – of art, of expression, of opinion, of academic research. Effectively countering this offensive presupposes a strong, critical understanding of the concept at its core. Here, the problem of autonomy and its forms regains full urgency. How should we understand the concept of the autonomy of art critically today? What would be the political implications of such an understanding?

Confirmed Speakers: Nicholas Brown, Andrea Fraser, Jackqueline Frost, Stefan Jonsson, Linnéa Lindsköld, Sven Lütticken, Peter Osborne, Gustav Strandberg, Kim West, Josefine Wikström.


Tid och plats

13 juni 2024, 10:00 - 14 juni 2024, 19:00


MA 331, hitta hit


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Organized by the research project “Autonomy, Culture, Action: On Culture’s Spheres of Political Action in the Neoliberal Welfare State”, funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, hosted by Södertörn University. Additional conference support from the research school Critical and Cultural Theory, Södertörn University.



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