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Advanced knowledge of modern macroeconomic theory


Advanced Macroeconomics

7.5 hp




This course provides advanced knowledge of modern theory at the frontline of contemporary international macroeconomic research. It uses micro foundations and political economics as points of departure and emphasises problems of coordination and stability, as well as studying the financial crisis from different theoretical and applied perspectives.

En plats för nyfikenhet och ambitioner med utbildningar som förbereder för framtiden.

Tools and knowledge for analysing important societal issues After studying Economics, you can work in both the public and private sectors, for national or international organisations, with issues relating to the economics of society. In the private sector, it is common for economists to work at banks or in companies in the financial sector. However, economists may also work at consultancies or other companies that require socio-economic expertise. In the public sector, you could work at government ministries, public authorities, municipalities or the Swedish Riksbank. Studying Economics gives you important, societally beneficial knowledge. After your studies, you will have the tools and knowledge necessary to analyse important societal issues Studying Economics is not only a strength on the labour market, but it also provides an important general education for understanding our societal economy. Read about research in this subject
Abstract and real-world applications in macroeconomics This Master’s level course has a significant level of abstraction in terms of formalisation and concepts, providing additional knowledge of modern macroeconomic theory at the frontline of contemporary international macroeconomic research. You will learn to relate this economic theory to societal problems at the macro level and to use it in abstract and real-world applications. The course is based upon micro foundations and political economics, emphasising problems of coordination and stability and dealing with areas such as consumption and investment, money, credit and growth. You will learn to critically and analytically assess empirical and theory-based claims and understand how theoretical perspectives and choice of methods influence academic studies. The course aims to leave you able to participate in scholarly discussions of macroeconomic issues and to contribute qualified opinions, as well as able to use an economic perspective in other professional contexts, domestically and internationally. Course design Teaching is conducted through lectures and ordinary and computer-based seminars, and assessment takes the form of a written take-home examination, assignments and active participation in seminars.
How can we manage sparse resources and work towards sustainable economic growth? Economics is important for societal democracy, as the purpose of the subject is to investigate how we manage and distribute sparse resources. The subject therefore has a strong link to most of the UN global goals. Economics has a broad perspective that covers many societal functions, everything from conditions for businesses and employees to those for sustainable development and the role of the financial market in global stability. Economics covers many different areas and has clear links to many current societal problems. Studying the subject provides insight into environmental economics, development economics, financial economics, industrial organisation, labour market economics and various theories of international trade. These areas are strongly associated with current societal problems such as trade wars and globalisation, unemployment and integration, poverty and opportunities for development in low-income countries. If you study Economics, you will gain important societal knowledge that is beneficial on the labour market, as well as tools for analysing important societal problems. At Södertörn University, our aim is to teach the subject using a broad perspective and an unconditional approach.