Södertörn University Library: SöderScholar
DatabasesSub pages
Library collections
In the library you will find printed books, e-books, databases, electronic journals and more. On this page we will help you to navigate.
Understand your reading list
All course books may be borrowed from the library. Learn how to use the reading list and find answers to common questions.
Search guide
Learn more how to search. Read our guide how to search in our databases and what methods to use for finding scholarly texts.
What is a scholarly article?
Here you will learn more about what characterises scholarly articles and other texts you will encounter during your studies.
Library help and support for students with a disability
You have the right to accessible media, for example talking books, if you have a reading impairment.
SH: Access to databases and other e-resources
Information for you who are a student or staff at SH on how to access databases and other e-resources.
RKH: Access to databases and other e-resources
Information for you who are a student or staff at RKH on how to access databases and other e-resources.
Library services
Book tutoring in information seeking
Do you need help with information seeking, source evaluation or referencing? Book a time or drop in.
Apply for talking books and other accessible media
Have you got a reading impairment that affects your studies? You can get talking books or Braille.
Request new talking book
Are you a talking books user? If books are not available in Legimus, you can order them here.
Request an information seeking course
As a teacher, you can request a course in information seeking, source evaluation and referencing from the library. Read more here.
My loans (Link to external site)
See your loans, renew books, and pay overdue charges.
Map (Link to external site)
Find your way around the library using the map.
Publications (Link to external site)
Go directly to our publication series.