What's included?

Identify a research problem and examine it through project work

This Master’s level course involves group work on the development of a multidisciplinary research project in environmental science, specialising in ecosystem management, infectious disease control or environment, communication and politics. In consultation with your supervisor, your group will identify a research problem and formulate a research question within a chosen environmental specialisation, and then produce a multidisciplinary research project that integrates various relevant and useful theoretical perspectives and methodological tools.

Course design

The course is based on group work under supervision and includes introductory lectures, although the majority of the course is seminar-based and applies a problem-oriented approach. Interim reports are submitted and a written project description is handed in by each group at the end of the course. This should be of sufficiently high quality to make it a potential conference presentation. Grades are awarded on the basis of the reports and final project, oral presentations, peer review of another project and participation in seminars.