Problematising and analysing knowledge development and transfer


Innovation and sustainable development

15 hp




This course examines the multidisciplinary problem area of innovations for inclusive and sustainable development and the evolution of science, technology and innovation in low and middle income countries. 

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Hur funkar högskolestudier egentligen?

En plats för nyfikenhet och ambitioner med utbildningar som förbereder för framtiden.

Awareness of ethical issues in science and development After the course, you will have the ability to discuss the social debate on knowledge and technology transfer, and to analyse the role of learning in development. You will also be able to relate to ethical issues in the development of science, technology and innovation from the perspectives of justice, gender and sustainability. Read about research in this subject
Theoretical perspectives on political ecology and economy, innovation systems and knowledge management  You will learn about the differences in quality and validity of different STI (science, technology and innovation) indicators, as well as underlying statical data and its usability for innovation policies. You will conduct in-depth analyses of innovation systems and how they influence the possibilities for economic growth and the wellbeing of populations in societies with different cultural and structural conditions. The role of international cooperation and partnerships for knowledge and technology as prescribed in SDG 17 are analysed from the perspectives of impact on agriculture, water and energy, as well as changes in work conditions and the environmental consequences of technology and organisational choices.
Sustainability, economic growth and wellbeing This course focuses on the role of knowledge development and knowledge institutions, especially in low-income countries, and the consequences of formal and informal learning for technological and social innovations in the public and private sectors.