Director of studies: Florence Fröhlig
Administrative staff: Vit Kysilka
Doctoral students and other employees:

My current research explores the intersection of identity, religion, and security perceptions in the Western Balkans.
Social Sciences
Doctoral student, Sociology
Social Sciences

My research is about Deaf experiences in the Health and well-being field and civil society.
Social Sciences
Hamdija Begovic
Doctoral Student
Doctoral student; political sociology
Social Sciences
I conduct research on nationalism, state-building processes, and international affairs.
Social Sciences
Doctoral Student in Sociology. Research focus: Consequences of policiary measures against radical nationalist social movements
Social Sciences

I am a PhD student in Environmental Scienes. In my research I study greenhouse gas exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere, specifically in coastal regions.
Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies
I am a PhD student in History of Ideas since the autumn semester of 2021. In my PhD thesis, I am examining 19th century works on the history of philosophy.
Historical and Contemporary Studies
Johanna Björksten
Doctoral student and lecturer at the Department of Social Work. My research concerns intimate partner violence.
Social Sciences
Doctoral student
Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies

I am researching female wartime nurses that worked in Ottoman and Russian lands in World War I, starting with the Crimean War.
Historical and Contemporary Studies
Mikael Cleryd
Doctoral Student
My thesis explores journalists' work-related emotions, how journalists navigate their feelings alongside professional norms and the effect of emotional labor on their well-being.
Social Sciences

My thesis "Det absoluta och det gemensamma" ("The Absolute and the Common" is the first interpretation of the philosophy of art of the Swedish Idealist Benjamin Höijer (1767–1812).
Culture and Education

Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)
Anna Enström
Senior Lecturer

I am assistant professor in Ethnology, Director of studies of the Baltic and East European Graduate School. officer within the Commission for the Revitalisation of Romani chib.
Historical and Contemporary Studies

I am a PhD student specializing in entrepreneurial well-being. My focus areas are communal stress coping, start-up teams, inner resources management, migrant entrepreneurs.
Social Sciences
PhD student in literature. My research investigates the relationship between Swedish working-class writers from the 1930s and the Soviet Union.
Culture and Education

PhD candidate in Environmental Science. Addressing global environmental challenges by an interdisciplinary approach. M.Sc. in Environmental Science M.Sc. in Economic History
Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies

Doctoral student in Media and Communication Studies / BEEGS. Writing a dissertation on cultural valuation practices, education media and digitization in Sweden and Estonia.
Culture and Education
My research concern stone age ceramic craft at wetland sites around the Baltic Sea, in particular Alvastra pile dwelling in Sweden.
Historical and Contemporary Studies

My research interests are in political economy, migration and social policy.
Social Sciences
Ellen Jacobsson
Doctoral Student
I am a doctoral student in the theory of practical knowledge. My research investigates the conditions and assumptions for practices of integration and their knowledge.
Culture and Education
On leave

Liza Jakobsson
Doctoral Student
Doctoral Student in archaeology
Historical and Contemporary Studies
Research: organization, social movements, civil society. Participate in the Horizon-project "Co-Creating Inclusive Intersectional Democratic Spaces Across Europe":
Social Sciences
Vit Kysilka
I am a PhD student in business studies. My research concerns the regulatory development of anti-money laundering supervision in Sweden, Denmark, and Estonia from the 2000s onwards.
Social Sciences

Karin Larsson
Doctoral Student
I am a doctoral student in Media and Communications Studies. I write my dissertation on time, space and technology in the architectural renewal of Moscow 2010-2020.
Culture and Education

Nicholas Lawrence
Doctoral Student

Michael Levin
Lecturer in business administration My courses: method course (A) and organisational theory (B) Research interests: organisational studies, cooperatives.
Social Sciences

My research concerns the politization of ethnicity in the Latvian party landscape. I also teach in political science.
Social Sciences

Doctoral researcher in the History of Ideas. My focus is on how time was contextualized in the Baltic Region 1500 to 1800.
Historical and Contemporary Studies

I am a Doctoral Student in Environmental Science. My research focuses on how principles of justice are integrated into climate poliics and how this affects people and societies.
Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies
My doctoral research focuses on the notion of dialectical negativity as it has been reconceptualised by Slavoj Žižek.
Culture and Education

My main research interests deal with subcultures and religion in contemporary Muslim majority societies. I am currently resaerching the black metal music scene in Turkey.
Historical and Contemporary Studies
I am doing a PhD on how the behaviour of key marine species in the Baltic Sea's seagrass meadows affects GHG /blue carbon and how this affects their surrounding.
Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies

My research interests include sports, crime prevention, and relationships between civil society, social services and police, particularly in underserved areas.
Police Education
Nataliia Murashko
Doctoral Student
In my PhD project I study the relation between peace as a literary theme and the modern/colonial narrative in works by Frida Stéenhoff, Elin Wägner, and Hagar Olsson.
Culture and Education
I study social-spatial inequalities in segregated urban areas and the role of urban planning in advancing environmental and social justice in marginalized communities.
Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies

My PhD focuses on everyday experiences of crossing boundaries of gender, race and class in Germany among second-generation Vietnamese women artists and intellectuals.
Culture and Education
Iwo Nord
I am a PhD-student as well as teacher in Gender Studies. My doctoral project is an ethnographic study of Belgrade as a local and global place for medical transition.
Culture and Education
I am researching the Swedish foreign policy engagement in the Baltic region, from 1914 to 1945. Both public opinion and the Swedish government's foreign policy are studied.
Historical and Contemporary Studies
Dr.Pejvak Oghazi is Professor and head of department of Business Studies. He is also head of Logistic Program at Sodertorn University, School of Social Sciences.
Social Sciences

My PhD-thesis investigates the links between working conditions and environmental impact of industrial forestry, and the relations between trade unions and environmentalists.
Social Sciences

Doctoral student in the theory of practical knowledge. I'm writing a thesis on Swedish and Finnish teachers' lived experience of boredom.
Culture and Education

PhD-candidate in Ethnology at the Baltic and Eastern European Graduate School. My research interests include populism, political anthropology, state policies, gender, and identity.
Historical and Contemporary Studies

Néa Sedell
Doctoral Student
Doctoral student in Aesthetics. My dissertation project explores literary embodiments and theoretical conceptualizations of melancholy in the late writings of E.M. Cioran.
Culture and Education

Associate Professor of Philosophy. Specializes in Feminist Philosophy, around themes such as embodiment, birth, temporality, narration, memory, violence, and vulnerability.
Culture and Education

My dissertation is an investigation of digital sex labor in webcamming in Russia in the context of the country's neoliberal labor market and the neo-traditionalist sexual politics.
Historical and Contemporary Studies

Doctoral researcher with a thesis on poetry books with visual art from East- and West Germany.
Culture and Education
Jan Weis
Doctoral Student

I am historian specialising on nationalism, memory, religion, history of knowledge and history of science and ideas, with the main fokus on Ukraine, Eastern and Central Europe.
Historical and Contemporary Studies

I am a Doctoral student in environmental science. My interest is to study the relationships between people's aesthetic perception of landscapes and biodiversity.
Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies